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Cloud Services

Cloud Computing for Business

Everyone’s talking about the cloud. It’s a powerful tool, they say. It’s the future of the Internet, they say. That’s great, but what does the cloud really mean for your business? Cloud computing lets you skip buying expensive and bulky onsite servers Instead, your data is stored in a remote and secure location. At Ez computers, we take this concept one step further. We go beyond the cloud with next level infrastructure. It’s a way of looking at IT in a way that gives you the flexibility and freedom to run your business.

Here’s what’s waiting beyond the cloud:

  • Save Money. Extend the life of your hardware, reduce your electricity bill and take back more of your office space by eliminating onsite servers.
  • Security. If you suffer from a flood, fire or server failure with an onsite server, that could mean the loss of all your data—and the end of your business. In the cloud, your data is stored in multiple secure locations, which means disaster can’t take your business down.
  • Access. If you have an Internet connection, you can access all server files, applications and more from anywhere. Let employees use their own devices to access your server from anywhere in the world.
  • Convenience. When you hire a new employee, you have to find a computer for them to use, call IT to install an operating system and all your applications and network it into the system. With EZ Computers, you can take care of that with the flip of a switch. Our Desktops as a Service (DaaS) allow you to create a desktop that can be used on any device. If your staffing needs fluctuate, you don’t have to worry about unused resources.

When you take your IT infrastructure beyond the cloud, your business becomes fast. Nimble. Secure. And you gain the security and peace of mind you need to keep growing.

To The Cloud

Desktops as a Service (DaaS)

Also known as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, DaaS Employees can access all their files, applications, emails and anything else that would be on their work computer, from almost any device—desktop, laptop, thin client, tablet, smart phone.

Cloud Data backup solutions

With many third-party cloud backup systems, you aren’t sure where your data is being stored. We own and maintain all of our own cloud servers, giving you the confidence you need to keep your business running. All data is backed up automatically, and we can restore your entire system in just a few hours.

MS Exchange Hosting

Carrier pigeon? Smoke signal? How do you communicate when email is down? Employee productivity can drop by 50% during email outages. Your customers get frustrated. Work grinds to a halt. How much money are you losing every time your email goes down?.

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